Kevin Ha, PhD

Lead Data Scientist (Genomics)

Head of Data Science, Genomics



Kevin joined BioSymetrics in March 2019, with a background in molecular genetics (PhD) and human genetics and bioinformatics (MSc, BSc). During his PhD he was a recipient of a CIHR Doctoral Research Award, and has published in journals such as Genome Biology and Nature Communications. He gained industry experience developing open source bioinformatics software at Microsoft Research, and has a track record of delivering successful projects involving genomics, cancer, and CRISPR.

“Having studied in the biomedical field for many years, I was looking for new opportunities that would allow me to continue making a positive impact in peoples' lives. Joining BioSymetrics felt like the right opportunity to do just that -- working on rewarding real-world challenges in the field. Last but not least, it's been a pleasure working with so many talented individuals on the team!”

— Kevin Ha


Victoria Catterson, PhD


Shahrzad Hosseini, PhD