Victoria Catterson, PhD


Vice President of Data Science Research



Vic joined BioSymetrics in June 2017, with a background in electrical engineering (PhD) and computer and electronic systems (BEng). She was tenured faculty at the University of Strathclyde (Scotland), managing a team researching diagnostics and prognostics for the health of electrical equipment, before transitioning into machine learning systems for human health. She has served on international committees for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), and others. She is a Senior Member of the IEEE, and has taught various University courses including introductory programming. She is an advocate for diversity in STEM, with activities such as running app development projects in schools, professional development workshops for women in academia, and a tutorial on ML for Women Who Code Toronto.

“I transitioned into healthcare because I wanted my work to have a more direct impact on people's lives. The electricity network is important, but you can't ask a circuit breaker how it's feeling! While the fundamental ML techniques are the same in both fields, healthcare data offers unique challenges and unique rewards. For example, I'm really proud of the work we've done on COVID-19 recently, and I feel honored to be a part of this team.”

—Victoria Catterson


Dave Kokel, PhD


Kevin Ha, PhD